Do you have any experience with UO RP servers?: 2001-2007 Europa
Are you 18 years or older?: Yes
Have you read our rules?: Yes
Character Portrait (optional):
Character name: Vincent Redfield
Character age: 47
Physical description of your character: Standing at just over five foot ten, Vincent has the look of a weathered warrior. A scar bisects his face from his forehead, through his eye, to the opposite cheek. Grey hair tied neatly in a ponytail drapes muscled shoulders and a five o'clock shadow frames a permanent scowl. Sinewy muscle covered up by thin, bruised and scarred flesh belies a once-athletic frame, now on the wrong side of the average life expectancy.
Notable personality traits or skills: Deadpan humor and biting wit are the last remnants of what used to be a cheerful drunkard.
Where is your character coming from? (write a short paragraph about your character’s background before jail): A common street urchin from God's eye who rose to quasi-prominence as a half decent mace arm. His success in the military was short lived, as drinking and more carnal pleasures led him to pursue a life of a sellsword, funding his lust for adventure and cheap thrills.
How did your character find themselves in jail awaiting trial? (Please write a few short paragraphs describing what poor luck brought your character to this point in their life): Desertion from duty led Vincent down a darker path of crime and petty odd-jobs which barely managed to fund his survival, let alone his...proclivities. In a job-gone-wrong, Stonewall authorities eventually caught up to their former employee and meted out the only justice fitting of a turncloak; a death penalty.
New Character Application: Vincent Redfield
Re: New Character Application: Vincent Redfield
Application Approved! Welcome Convict.