Caden Nacre

Another Survivor is seen washing ashore
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Caden Nacre
Posts: 1

Caden Nacre

Post by Caden Nacre »

Do you have any experience with UO RP servers?: Yes.

Are you 18 years or older?: Yes.

Have you read our rules?: Yes.

Character Portrait (optional): Image

Character name: Caden Nacre

Character age: 26

Physical description of your character:
Caden is standing at 5'9, with about 160 lbs. He has a relatively slander, yet muscular frame. Black hair, pale blue eyes. He has tatoos covering his forearms from his times meddling with the gangs in Barrowfield. He has many scars on his feets and lower legs. His skin is dramatically pale like he's lacked a lot of sunlight.

Notable personality traits or skills / Where is your character coming from ?
Caden is stoic and silent most of the time, mostly reserved. Although he's observant and resilient. His many years braving the fog of the coasts of Mist to salvage from the numerous wreckages made him quite perceptive. His pacifist nature got him into trouble many times with the gangs around Barrowfield and led him to live a quiet life on the coast, away from his family and friends. He's picked up a few techniques to fish with a harpoon along the way, trying to salvage old nets and bobbles floating in the shallow waters.

He can seem a little depressive and unmotivated at first glance, but lies in him all the force of silent waters. Or so he likes to think, anyway.

How did your character find themselves in jail awaiting trial?
(Please write a few short paragraphs describing what poor luck brought your character to this point in their life):

He went back to pay one last debt to and old contact in Barrowfield and was supposed to get back to Mist the next day. However, it seems the gang wanted more money than was initially agreed upon. They threatened to harm Livia, his sister. He then agreed to wager on a drinking contest and... the fog surrounding the rest of the story is as thick as Myrefall's. He woke up in jail, covered in his own vomit, stripped of most of his possession. One of his old's classic Fridays.
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Posts: 38

Re: Caden Nacre

Post by Nok »

Application Approved! Welcome Convict.
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