Reed Tarrenshade

Another Survivor is seen washing ashore
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Posts: 6

Reed Tarrenshade

Post by Monatachi »

Do you have any experience with UO RP servers?:
Yes with quite a few

Are you 18 years or older?:

Have you read our rules?:

Character Portrait (optional):

Character name:
Reed Tarrenshade

Character age:

Physical description of your character:
Even at the age of 32, Reed's body has seen a fare share of hardships. He has scars across his body from head to foot. He stands 5'9 and has a decent build of muscle. A long ponytail and unkept beard makes him seem a bit older than what he really is. His clothes are unkept but any weapons you may see him with are polished and ready for use.

Notable personality traits or skills:
His demeanor allows him to work well with others, but makes it hard to trust them. Rather than trust others he will tend to do things himself, rather than argue. He has learned to cook at a young age because of his familys poverty, and can make a meal of most anything.

Where is your character coming from? (write a short paragraph about your character’s background before jail):
Coming from a small Village in Tola, Reed was raised by a very poor family who made their living by selling fish and animals they caught and cleaned. He learned to fish from the age of three, and by seven was already killing wild game with a makeshift sword and a pot for a shield. He was self taught in the art of fighting from many fierce creatures found outside of his town, some have left many scars accross his body, which he is proud to explain, how each scar is a lesson learned from battle. His father Alan Tarrenshade was also a tinkerer of sorts, as he would repair fishing equipment and forge small hooks to benefit the locals. He could make a hook from anything, a skill which taught Reed to learn to use what is available to him. Reeds mother, Elisa Tarrenshade, would gather the village around and cook whatever was avilable be it scraps, fish skins or anything that could be turned edible. This is where Reed learned to make a meal of anything he could, and to be self sufficient in the wilds.

How did your character find themselves in jail awaiting trial? (Please write a few short paragraphs describing what poor luck brought your character to this point in their life):
Reed, tired of the lowly life he had in Tola, decided to craft together a raft of sorts, from all of the shipwrecked vessels near his village, and decided to prove the rest wrong, that he could get off of the land mass which they thought kept them there. Upon arriving in the new land discovered after days at sea, he had lost any rations and equipment from a dangerous storm he barely made it out of. Once upon land he managed to get to the first sign of life and began to "borrow" a few things he needed to restart his life here. He was caught as he tried to grab a small blade from a vendor and was brought into custody where he sits awaiting his fate.
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Re: Reed Tarrenshade

Post by Nok »

Application Approved! Welcome Convict.
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