
Another Survivor is seen washing ashore
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Posts: 3


Post by Quanasar »

Do you have any experience with UO RP servers?:

Are you 18 years or older?:

Have you read our rules?:

Character name:

Character age:

Physical description of your character:
Seraphina is an attractive blonde woman of average height in the beginning of her twenties. She has long, wavy hair, glittering hazelnut brown eyes and always a soft, but shy smile on her lips.

Notable personality traits or skills:

Where is your character coming from? (write a short paragraph about your character’s background before jail):

Once there was a little girl, born in the rich family of the Torres, that owns various factories in the mining region, that produces refined ores and other metallic goods. How it is with the time, the little girl named Seraphina, who was raised mostly by maids of the family because neither her mother, Mildred Torres, nor her father, Winston Torres had the time to raise a little girl, became a young woman, with striking bright blonde hair and other striking rounded, bodily features.
Her family, newly rich as they were, always wanted her to marry in a novle family - what she didnt really care about, having not ever experiences the wonder of love.
To raise her social standing, they sent her to a renownuniversity where a befriended Professor James Savigan took her under his wing. There she learnt to devide one desease from another, to make the right medicine and lastly to cure the desease.

As the last year of University came, nearly forgotten the plan for her parents to marry her into nobility, her parents arrangeed that. A marriage into nobility She should marry an 50 year old man names James Aberdeen, a cruel man and old, but rich man. She really didnt want to marry that old douchebag but for her parents, the social standing was more important thean her daughter's feelings.
So in a clozdy niight she fled the household - and landed on the streets. To earn money for a living she begantreading the poor in an illegal old shop. There she also treaded criminals what got her arrested and sent to jail.

How did your character find themselves in jail awaiting trial? (Please write a few short paragraphs describing what poor luck brought your character to this point in their life):
Imagine beeing rich, have to care about nothing and then, having nothing. That whats happened to Seraphina. Overnight to flee from an unwanted marriage, she fled from her parents. Soon, the few savings she had was consumed and she began to treat the poor inhabitants of the slum she choose to live in. Sadly she couzldnt effoer a legal business - with nothing left, so she treated them illegal in and old shop. She didnt know much about her clients and thats what ruined her. Later at the court she heard that it was dangerous criminals that she has treated. She leaded for innocence but not knowing doesnt protect from law and so she got sent into jail.
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Re: Seraphina

Post by Nok »

Application Approved! Welcome Convict.

please look through the old world lore to choose a land of origin.
Posts: 3

Re: Seraphina

Post by Quanasar »

I think Lochhiem suits well :)
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