3 months Update

Important announcments that keep you in the know
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3 months Update

Post by Syka »

Hello everyone,

First off, I want to apologize for this announcement being more than a week late, real life has a way of getting in the way sometimes, but we’re back on track now.

Last two months, we focused on gathering your invaluable feedback, and now we’re putting those ideas into action. Over the next two months, we’ll be making a massive push to complete unfinished systems, expand the world, and refine the experience based on your input.

Imperius launched in a soft Beta state, and thanks to your support and patience, we’ve been steadily improving and stabilizing the world. Now, it’s time to take things to the next level.
Here’s what you can expect in the coming couple of months:


:: Apothecary
This is our biggest update. The base system is fully coded and will be implemented soon after final testing. You’ll be able to heal injuries and explore new mechanics tied to this feature. Stay tuned for more details in the Wiki.

:: Camping
As hinted in the current system, camping will have expanded uses in the new lands we’re opening. It’s going to play a bigger role in your adventures, so keep an eye out for updates.

:: Gods’ Gifts
We’re revamping the items and prices, and adding new features like the ability to raise total skill cap. This will give you more flexibility and power in shaping your character.

:: Construction
We’re streamlining the building process! Instead of exchanging resources and god points manually, we’re introducing build chests. Place a chest in a build area, fill it with the required resources, and once completed, the construction will happen automatically. This will make building in the world faster and more intuitive.

:: Bugs
We’ve got a backlog of fixes, and once the Apothecary system is live, we’ll be doing a “speedrun” to squash as many bugs as possible.

:: Suggestions
It might seem like we’ve been quiet on the suggestion front, but that’s not the case! Our priority has been getting the base systems stable and balanced. Now that we’re in a better place, we’ll be revisiting your suggestions and implementing the ones that align with our vision.


:: World Events
The world of Imperius is ever-evolving, and a new line of world-changing events is already in the works. Some of these may even tie into events that are already happening, so keep your eyes peeled!

:: Personal Events
Supporting your personal stories and events remains a top priority for us. We’re committed to helping you bring your character’s journey to life.

:: The Map
We’re putting a huge focus on expanding the map. New areas, dungeons, and islands are on the way, and we’re working hard to ensure they’re filled with interesting content. We’re avoiding empty, filler spaces—so no more long, boring treks from point A to point B without something exciting in between!

What’s Next?

While we’re aiming high, we also want to set realistic expectations. There may be additional updates and surprises along the way, but for now, this is our roadmap.

Thank you all for your continued support and enthusiasm. Imperius wouldn’t be what it is without your feedback and dedication.

Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, feel free to share your thoughts with us.
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