Soveh, Goddess of Tides/Weather
Soveh, the goddess of the sea and weather is as fickle as the tide and revokes her favor as easily as she gives it. She is worshiped by nearly all on the sea surrounded island and has grown comfortable and placid in the warmth of her follower’s affection. Every year during the Winter Solstice a massive festival is held in her honor to ask for good weather, good fishing and safe seas. It is a day of dancing, drinking and renovations to her shrines. No one knows Soveh’s true appearance, she is a shapeshifter and often dawns the likeness of those who have been lost at sea. Soveh is responsible for the ship’s that are constantly wrecking on the rocks outside of the island and why no ship or boat is able to cross back out of her territory.
Cestoriel, God of Death
Cestoriel has ever been in love with Rahn, it is said the very stars in the night sky spell out love poems in her name. His role in the pantheon is an endless gift to her. Culling the sick and infirmed, the old and foolish, any that may make a suitable gift to her. Sending their souls to be purged and given life anew. It is by this cycle that mortals exist for without Cestoriel there would be no death and without Rahn there would be no life. Those that seek Cestoriel’s favor are many. Warriors that long for a meaningful death, Tyrants that wish death upon their enemies, The suffering that seek release, even the loathsome that seek away out. All manor of life shall play a role in this eternal love. “I shall flow a river unto thee. Teaming with souls shall it ever be.”
Rahn, Goddess of Life/Fertility
As the Goddess of life and fertility Rahn is the beginning of the life cycle and is called upon frequently. Shrines are built for her in the homes of those wishing for love, children or even those hoping for good breeding of livestock. She is often also worshiped by brothel owners and small shrines can be found built to her in red light districts. Rahn is also the protector of laboring mothers and sweets made of honey are often left at her shrines by pregnant women to pray for an easy childbirth. Rahn is very attentive to her worshipers and spreads herself thin trying to attend to their needs. While she does requite the affections of Cestoriel, the amount of work he makes for her leaves little time for the two to spend together.
Yorn, God of War/Progress
The God of conflict is often misunderstood by mortals. Most who follow see him as a warlord, a conqueror seeking battle wherever it can be found. Yorn is more than such a simple concept. Though his direct approach and somewhat gruff, no nonsense attitude may play into this falsehood Yorn is a god of progress. For without conflict there is no progress. Yorns role within the pantheon is to ensure life does not become stagnant and fixed. Through his favor he inspires mortals to strive for more. Whether it be more land, power, riches, or glory, those that follow Yorns true path are men of ceaseless ambition.
Da’, God of Delirium/Mischief
Da’ “The many faced god” has been infatuated with mortals since their creation. Most see him as a god of trickery and mischief but he sees himself as a teacher. Dishing out lessons to those that take themselves or their positions too seriously. Many tales tell of Da’ arriving in familiar forms leading men through a hardship of trials, some falter and fail while others come out the other side stronger. Asking for Da’ favor is often a double edged sword. Followers of the many faced god tend to stir the pot, asking questions and challenging the status quo. Some, in truth, are not followers but Da’ himself conducting his lessons.
Aven Rae, God of Sun/Prosperity
One of the “twin gods” it is said that Aven Rae is but one half of a whole. A single powerful being with two personalities living within. Aven Rae, the side of light, basks the whole of creation in his light ensuring growth, life, and prosperity. Those that follow Aven Rae are often altruistic by some measure, helpful, and devout. His favors are generally given as inspiration, strength through hardship, and mental fortitude.
Shae Liandel, Goddess of Night/Safe Passage
The other half of the “twin gods” Shae Liandel, The side of shadow, conceals the lesser actions of mortals. Her followers live their lives within her domain and are often those of illicit lifestyles. Thieves, assassins, spys, and smugglers all seek her favor, often tithing a “cut” of their ill gotten gains to her shrines. Though not all who call upon her name are of the criminal element as it is not uncommon for those traveling under the stars to ask for safe passage.
Tanith, Goddess of Nature/Seasons/Harvest
Tanith is a fickle and difficult to please goddess, the Summer Solstice is dedicated to her in a three day long festival of worship, dance and ritual. As the goddess of nature, the seasons and harvest, eggs, produce and even the sacrifice of small livestock are left at her altar to please her. There is no one thing that pleases Tanith and her worshipers leave a variety of items and sacrifices as tithing, often changing them year to year to deal with her fickle nature. It is not unusual for the worshipers of Tanith to fast for days before the Summer Solstice as a way to honor the bounty she brings them. She is the sister of Rahn and though she doesn’t share her sister’s even temperament and she is very selective as to who she bestows her favor on. It is said that Tanith has a half mortal daughter whose father she met on Asier, she guards her child closely and she has never been seen by mortal eyes.
Nocht, God of Indifference
“The Living God”, For as long as can be remembered Nocht has walked the lands of men. Though he loathes to partake in any trivial dealing with the humans. His miracles, it seems, are for him alone and his purpose within the land of man is unknown. Many have sought his favor but all have been turned away. Those who worship Nocht follow a path of self-reliance with the most hopeful of their numbers believing his indifference to mean man is capable of greatness without help of divine intervention.
Bellaura, Goddess of Wine/Indulgence
Bellaura is seen by many as the “black sheep” of the gods, more preoccupied with personal comfort, gain and extravagances than tending to her worshipers. She is the goddess of wine, over indulgence and hedonism. Those who seek her favor are typically tavern owners, merchants and importers. Elaborate and ornate shrines are places to Bellaura for good luck and fortune. She rarely interacts with her followers, but may make an appearance if the offerings are good enough and may make an appearance at a lively party to perform “miracles” in the form of party tricks for attention.
Raphine, Goddess of Luck / Gambling
“Luck protects the bold” is the main belief for one who worships Raphine.
Her blessing falls upon those who face impossible tasks, against all odds, let it be in battle on in the roll of dies. She is a secondary god for most, yet, there are a few who believe that she is the greatest goddess in existence, for she is the one who places her soft hand in one’s shoulder when everything seems lost and the odds are stacked against them
Worshiped mostly by gamblers and those who live uncertain lives of chance with uncertain tomorrows
Saurana, Goddess of Affection/Friendship
Saurana, also known as Sauri or Sau by her worshipers is best known for freely bestowing her favor in the form of minor miracles to those she deems worthy. As the goddess of affection and friendship she is often worshiped by brothel owners, prostitutes and young lovers. Those wishing to renew the spark in their long term relationships may create shrines to her. Sauranna appears as a beautiful young woman and gives favor in the form of healing minor illness or injuries, doubling the funds in low coffers or pushing friendships towards her sister Rahn, the Goddess of Love.
Anhotep, Goddess of Beasts
Anhotep, The goddess of animals and beasts. Very little is known about her or her followers in this age. Her statues worn bare, her images destroyed or marred beyond recognition. Even her temples and shrines are all but forgotten. Someone or something has worked to ensure Anhotep will be forgotten.